Transformers: Age of Extinction – What can we expect?



 A few years back, many were of the thought that Michael Bay was about to complete filming on his latest and final Transformers movie. Dark of the Moon was an end to a trilogy that had both gained and lost fans a long its Bot-crammed journey to Splosionville. There was hollow celebrations throughout the internet, fans thankful that their childhood was no longer being destroyed. Dramatisation aside, the box office numbers suggested otherwise and it was clear that the franchise would carry on without Bay. Skip forward to 2014 and we now have a new entry in the film franchise,  and Michael Bay once again helming the latest sequel to which excitement appears half-muted.

The lines between excitement and disdain are as black and white as Decepticons are to Autobots, but what can we really expect from Transformers: Age of Extinction?

A Different World

Age of Extinction continues the Earthly presence of the previous films but whilst watching the trailer, you cannot help but feel that the Earth we are returning to is far different from the one we left in Dark of the Moon. In one of the opening shots we get a glimpse of a billboard message mentioning the events in Chicago… it is only a short shot but for a series like the Transformer films, it is a more subdued touch. The films are more known for heavy handed approaches to heartfelt moments and even heavier attempts at comedy. Bay doesn’t do subtle, so this was an eye catcher in terms of how much Chicago’s destruction may come in to play. Judging from the rest of the trailer, the world is a bit more than hesitant towards Cybertronians, Autobots included. Though that could also be a form of misdirection as we only receive this knowledge from the two antagonistic human characters featured; Stanley Tucci’s Joshua and Kelsey Grammar’s Attinger. The main worry is that we are encroaching on known territory.

Autobot Exile

The first glimpse of an Autobot in the trailer came from what appears to be a broken down Optimus Prime. Whether Optimus’ situation comes 1393982120_12938476725_016d2cf25c_oabout from voluntary exile or a simple detriment of being an organic mechanical being remains to be seen. As can be heard in the trailer, the world no longer feels a need to have the Autobots parading around on Earth anymore, however the trailer provides more questions than answers. Optimus is seemingly rebooted by Mark Wahlberg’s character which could be the result of Optimus shutting down due to a lack of Energon to keep his systems working. It is uncharted territory for the films and could add an interesting element that the franchise needs to keep it fresh. Of course this element would be gone within a short amount of time but it could highlight the sacrifices that the Autobots have made in order to stay and protect us. The more likely explanation though is that Optimus has simply ‘died’. Death is an absolute term but, in truth, used rather loosely in Transformers lore… Most recently in IDW’s comic book series, titled ‘Death of Optimus Prime’, Optimus left Cybertron as the planet no longer needed him. The situation for Optimus coinciding with humanity’s treatment of the Autobots, seems likely a similar reason for his current predicament.

Chinese Influences

Evident in the trailer is the use of a new locale. China, the new location, being just another foreign landscape for the Transformers to battle on, is also an influence in the new robotic style for the Autobots. Human cast members have already been touted as members of the ‘Chinese Transformers’ which begs the question, are they now working under new political allegiances? With a new look to the Autobots, it makes most sense for it to be a type of new ID. Bumblebee is clearly a prominent member of the Autobots and known throughout the world, so with him being on the end of an American hate campaign, a new design allows him to appear as, almost, someone new. It’s a reach and not entirely believable, but Transformers has always been about suspension of disbelief and just having a rollicking good time.


One of the story aspects that the previous three films have done well is the Decepticon threat. Not without faults, the films have always brought about a bigger threat and sometimes a more deceiving threat. These are Decepticons after all, so deception is perfectly in their nature. Dark of the Moon did tremendously well at killing off almost every Decepticon (sigh) and most attribute that to Bay wanting to tie everything up thinking he may not return to the franchise, but if there is one thing that Transformers lore has always given the fans, it’s a large stable of villainy. Galvatron looks to be rearing his head this time… a remade Megatron who carries out the monstrous Unicron in the original series, however it would not be a surprise if Galvatron turns out to be a product of humans meddling with Cybertronian tech in this iteration. Tucci’s Joshua is quoted as being interested in building his own Transformers and the small look at Galvatron from the trailer (identified from the toy release) looks far too clean and sleak for a Decepticon design. Decepticons have an almost dirty look to them, which matches with their rebellion role in Cybertron’s demise. As well as Galvatron, it appears that Lockdown, a more recent addition to Transformer-verse is making his mark, a mark that going by the trailer, is right through Optimus’ chest. Although I am not clued in on Lockdown all that much (he debuted in 2007’s Transformers: Animated) and acts as a rogue bounty hunter. Shots of Lockdown from the trailer are probably the most exciting; his face transforming into a gun? The homage to Megatron’s original gun transformation is so prevalent (and appreciated).

Crosshairs. Latest addition to the Autobot team.

Crosshairs. Latest addition to the Autobot team.


Fans finally have their wish granted. The Dinobots are making an appearance and while some may say it is too late, their inclusion could galvanise a franchise that core fans might just be close to giving up on. Grimlock is a fan favourite, and for good reason. His penchant for battle keyed with his caveman like dialogue is always entertaining (“Me Grimlock. Me no like you *proceeds to bash enemy*). Though the trailer reveals a larger looking Grimmy than what is normally known, which in some corners of the internet is sure to be cooking up a storm but I guess we can’t have everything? The other Dinobots are also announced as taking part in the latest outing, but unfortunately, Slag continues the more politically correct name of Slug. One important aspect of the Dinobots’ inclusion is as to how they first appear… In original G1 canon, they are created by the Autobots to combat the Decepticons, however it does not look likely for that to be the case here. What with Wheeljack killed off in the third film (sad face) the Autobots are left without a scientist, and the idea of Joshua again creating them seems like a bit of an “everything on red” situation. It would be a fascinating idea for them to be long dormant after arriving billions of years prior and taking that form after scanning real dinosaurs.

Also, let’s just quit with the whole Grimlock as a bad guy idea. Right now. Please? Optimus battling Grimlock will most likely be about a challenge for superiority, and as previously known, Grimlock at first underestimates the true strength of Optimus. Eventually respecting his Autobot leader and becoming a valuable member for his allies.

No Seekers

Yep. I know… It is a sad state of affairs. Unfortunately the film franchise never seemed to care for aerial battles. Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp, I’ll always love you.

"Some might say killing me off was good for my career"

“Some might say killing me off was good for my career”

So as per the course, got anything to contribute? Hit me up on the comments section, the post that directed you here or more personally, on the twitters: @JakeUtd.

Roll out!

(Always wanted to say that with relevancy).